Thursday, December 27, 2007

#18 - Word Verifications

Title: Lousy Word Verifications
Subject: Blogging
Author: Mel Kaye
Location: USA, California, Thousand Oaks

Level of Annoyance (1-10): 4

This has become one of my "growing in irritation" pet peeves. Does anyone else get frustrated with having to type "Word Verifications" before leaving a comment on a post? Some of the letter combinations that are being asked are ridiculous and some are impossible to even make out. I inevitably blow it the first time then have type a new set of ridiculous letters just to leave a comment.

Possible Solution:
I disabled my “word verification” about 4 months ago and have yet to be spammed. I know that my readers have been leaving more comments because of the ease of leaving them. If you must have a spam filter, then create a number addition or some other easy type of spam filter. I hope Blogger sees this because Blogger only has these ridiculous “word verifications.”

(2/08 - Addition to this post. Well, I have now been spammed and had to reinstall Word Verifications. I have been humbled.)

Technorati Tag:

Thursday, December 6, 2007

#17 - Murder - Brazil

Title: Brazil Uncooperative in Extradition of Suspected Murderer

Murder / Brazil / Extradition

S.A. Torrence.

USA, Ohio

Level of Annoyance:

Complaint Details:
25 year Military Veteran Murdered-- Suspect Fled to Brazil

This was brought to my attention and it is, as the title says, an outrage. Read it for yourself, research it and if you think it deserves some attention, that is your call.


Claudia "Cris" Cristina Hoerig shot and killed her husband in March 2007 then fled to Brazil before her husband's body could be discovered. Brazil is not cooperating with the U.S. in extraditing the fugitive.

Major Karl Hoerig's memory lives on at Youngstown, Ohio Air Force Reserve Base as a friend and a fellow airman who served his country. He was a pilot both in the military and on civilian side and flew over 200 combat missions in Afghanistan and Iraq with the 910th Airlift Wing's Hercules C-130's. He served for 25 years in the military.

Karl met his wife, Chris, online and they were married in Las Vegas in 2005. It is reported that their marriage was rocky. Karl had even confided in colleagues at Southwest Airlines that he was unhappy in his marriage and afraid his wife may try something. He was planning on moving out on March 12, 2007. On that fateful day he was shot 3 times ,twice in the back and one point blank in the back of his head, and left for dead by the suspect, Claudia Christina Hoerig.

According to the Trumbull County Sheriff Christina purchased a .357 Smith and Wesson revolver with a laser tracking device at a shop in Braceville, OH two days before the murder. She then practiced at a shooting range in Warren, OH and had the handle of the gun fitted for her small hand. After committing the unthinkable she then used her privilege as a pilot's wife and procured a free flight to Sao Paulo, Brazil the same day. The America's Most Wanted website calls the murder of Karl Hoerig premeditated and cruel.

According to Chris dumped Karl's body in the basement, emptied his bank accounts which amounted to around $10,000 and wired $9,000 more to family in Brazil. Her vicious ways were not limited to Karl, it has been revealed that she ran up thousands of dollars in credit card debt with a previous husband.

Dr. Thomas J. Bote said he was married to "the hellion" from . He told cops that she was both mentally and physically abusive to him. Her dishonesty about finances caused many a fight. At one point, the doctor said, his former wife had 20 credit cards going and was bleeding him dry. When the credit card debts piled up to the max, he couldn't stand it any more, and they had a big battle. The mild-mannered doc lost. He told investigators when he confronted her about the wild spending she laughed and presented him with divorce papers. Claudia Christina Hoerig Six months have passed and Brazil still has not cooperated with extraditing Christina who has a warrant out for her arrest. Karl's family was reluctant to speak with the media and wanted to give law enforcers and investigators time to work on the case. The pain they have felt finally led to plea to the public to write to their congressmen and senators and exert pressure on Brazil to return the fugitive who is living freely and has not been arrested by Brazilian authorities. The plea has been herd by Congressman Tim Ryan, representative of the 17th district of which Newton Falls, Karl Hoerig's residence, falls under.

Possible Solution:
Tim Ryan is ready to introduce legislation which will put pressure on the Brazilian government. He says two pieces have been drafted that would call for re-negotiating the US/Brazil Treaty, and limit foreign aid to that country.Last year the United States gave 14 million dollars to Brazil. Congressman Ryan is prepared to introduce the legislation if Brazil refuses to extradite Hoerig, and will also be working on legislation to put restrictions on people traveling from Brazil to the United States as well as tariffs on Brazilian products. "If they say she is not coming back, we drop the legislation immediately, " Ryan told reporters. "They need to know we are fed up." Claudia Christina Hoerig has dual citizenship in the United States and Brazil and is hiding behind Brazilian policy that allows the country to refuse extradition of its citizens.

[Update from Spree-] Here is the link to contact your Congressman/woman and let them know you want some justice.

From Wake up America

Technorati Tags:

#16 - Blogger

Title: Blogger Follow-up comments down without notice

Subject: Blogging

Author: MAX

Location: Portugal, Lisbon

Level of Annoyance: 9

Complaint Details: Blogger follow-up comments is down!!! These guys give us the candy, and once you get use to it they take it away without notice!

I understand that maintenance must be done, but couldn't they advice people? Where is the respect?

I have already written to blogger expressing my disappointment.

Possible Solution: Advanced written notice; that's all, just a little consideration........

Technorati Tags:

Saturday, December 1, 2007

#15 - Broken Health Care

Title: Broken Health Care System
Health Care
Mel Kaye
USA, California, Thousand Oaks
Level of Annoyance (1-10):

Complaint Details:

Now I am no Michael Moore fan, but I saw “Sicko” last night and it truly sickened me. Our Health Care system is broken and there is no denying it.

We are constantly hearing from the conservative side of Congress that the “private sector can do it better.” Well, wasn’t it the private sector that came with these wonderful concepts like HMOs that drop people who can’t pay their hospital bills off at Skid Row? Isn’t it the Private Insurance companies that pay their medical directors bonuses to deny claims?

I don’t know how many times my wife and I say that we will have to work until we die so that we can maintain health insurance. My wife is a teacher at a middle school and she knew two teachers that had cancer. In fact, one of them had a doctor for a husband. In both cases they had to continue working in order to keep their health insurance. They both worked until they died

On the other hand, do we want “Socialized Medicine?” Do we want medical care being controlled by our government? I think not. There really needs to be something in between.

We could go into nauseating details as to the plans being offered up by our politicians, but let’s face it, they are being offered up by POLITICIANS. Politicians have only one goal and that is to be elected; they lie for a living.

Possible Solution:

The only viable solution that I see is a hybrid, and yes it may increase our taxes. Let the private sector control the basic health insurance and the medical care industry. Let the government step in with a catastrophic plan that would cover everyone, regardless of pre-existing conditions. The Government could have a plan that would cover those of us that are being denied by private insurance, possibly at a slightly higher cost. This could generate some competition for the Private Insurance Companies who are posting outrageous profits at the expense of individual health care.

I can’t come up with the details, but a hybrid seems to me like the best solution. In the meantime people are dying unnecessarily, forced to go BK, forced in destitution, with their “golden Years” turning BLACK! Is this the best that America can do?

Technorati Tags:

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

#14 - False Promises

Title: False Promises
Subject: Promises
Author: Mel Kaye
Location: USA, CA, Thousand Oaks
Level of Annoyance (1-10): 7

Complaint Details
: This will be short. It really bothers me when people say they will do something and then don't. I will not name names, because I think we are all guilty of this. I hate being strung along and what's worse; I hate being lied to.

Possible Solution
: Do not commit to something if you have no intentions of doing it. If something comes up and you have to delay, let the person you made the commitment to know. Simple communication and have your word mean something.

Just think how nice this world would be if we just stood behind our word.

Technorati Tag:

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

#13 - Cell Phones

Title: Driving with Cell Phones
Cell Phones
Author: Stacy
Location: USA, IN, Terra Haute,
Level of Annoyance (1-10): 9

Complaint Details:
My complaint is people driving and being on the there cell phone. I feel that a car is a weapon so you should handle it with care. Talking on a phone takes your attention away from the road.

Possible Solution
1.If you have to use your phone pull over and use it.
2.I also feel that maybe we should fine cell phone users if they get caught driving and talking on the phone
3.They could even use handless phones so at least both hands are on the wheel.

Technorati Tags:

#12 - Catholic Church

Title: "Nik-luk click-click pop" means "Give me your money"

Subject: Catholic Church
Author: Moooooog35
Location: USA, NH, Salem
Level of Annoyance (1-10): 8

Complaint Details:
Church sucks.

If you've read my rant about "The God Guy," you'll know how I feel about religion. It's can pop on over to it...I'll wait...

I'm good like that.

A few weeks ago, it was my week to take my daughter to church, but I somehow managed to egg out of it.

Mind you, unless you're dead or getting married, you won't see me in a church.

So, I guess this limits it to "getting married" - since you're not seeing too much if you're dead.

I should probably think more before I right sh*t down.

Anyway, the fact that I missed it turned out to be a good thing (duh), because my wife came home with her Church-report…and it got me kind of mad.

Apparently, our church was hosting another priest from Honduras.

This priest, apparently, stood up to address the crowd - which I found amazing, as I thought everyone from third world countries spoke in clicks and dolphins...or "Starvin Marvin" from South Park.

and made something similar to the following remarks:

He was appalled by the way that people were spending hundreds or thousands of dollars of their money on – God forbid – THEMSELVES…instead of sending money to feed the poor and desolate in his country.

Specifically, he was LITERALLY telling people who shelled out hundreds of dollars to go to the Red Sox playoff games that they were going to Hell because they weren’t sending their money his way.

I’m thinking that I wouldn’t have been able to control myself at that point.

It would have taken all of my effort to not stand up and ask:

"WHO has tickets to the playoffs?! Do they have any extra?!”

And…let’s be honest here…watching Jonathan Papelbon close out a game for the Sox is as close to any modern-day religious experience that you’ll find.


I’m going to Hell because the money that I EARNED didn’t go to the people in your country who aren’t smart enough to MOVE out of the f*cking desert?!?

(By the way, if you've never seen Sam Kinison (I saw him live when he was alive) you really missed out. Here he is on World Hunger):

But I don’t get it.

I understand that we’re supposed to help those who need help. I get it.

When I have something that’s in really sh*tty shape, or is broken, I always find a way to give it to a charity.

That’s the kind of guy I am.


Giving my broken crap away.'s for the kids, you know.

But – really – this guy is harping on ME for not giving my money away?

Let me tell you something – I just dropped 5 bucks into this friggin’ basket to fund your TRIP here.

Did you walk here or fly?

I’m guessing you a plane..that cost money.

Did you get a rental car, or did one of the priests pick you up in the Escalade?

Let me guess – you ate WHERE last night?

Did you go out for seafood? Steak? What?

Why don’t you have a nice bowl of tapioca and then pocket the change you would have spent going to Legal Seafoods and give it to the family of 12 you have back in Honduras so they can enjoy some cornmeal.

You know what? Instead of food, let’s buy them condoms so they can:

a) STOP making more kids...
b) that need more food...
c) that your country doesn’t have...

Christ...even I can get behind THAT plan.

Oh…I forgot...the Catholic church doesn’t believe in condoms.

Well, then this is YOUR fault, isn’t it?

I looked at my wife and said, “You didn’t raise your hand? You didn’t say anything?”

It aggravates the sh*t out of me for thinking she had to sit there and take that crap.

I know there are people in that crowd that now feel guilty for actually buying their kids Sketchers instead of flip-flops.

They shouldn’t, but this guy is making them feel like they should.

So next week, when I go, I’m hoping that they have another guest speaker.

Just in case, I’m wearing as much bling-bling as I can.

Mental Poo

Technorati Tag:

Monday, November 19, 2007

#11 - Mexico's Immigration Laws


This article is in support of the following 2 posts:
Thank you John W. Slagle for allowing me to reprint your article. You can find the original at:

Recently Mexican President Calderon has been very outspoken, critical on U.S. Immigration law enforcement efforts and supports Amnesty for all illegal aliens from Mexico residing, working in this nation.

Contrary to popular belief, Mexico has very strict immigration laws which are enforced by every police agency in the country. The Bureau of Immigration can call upon any law enforcement officer to assist in their mission. Citizens from the United States traveling in Mexico without proper documents, work permits or non immigrant visas are subject to arrest as illegal aliens.

The laws regarding foreign national visitors, immigrants, non-citizens are as clear and concise in Mexico as are our own U.S. laws which are considered unenforceable by many politicians in Washington, D.C.

* Reglamento de la Ley General de Poblacion (General Law on Population) in Spanish dated Abril 14 de 2000 Capitulo Quinto --Migracion Seccion 1

Mexico welcomes only foreigners who will be useful to Mexican society:

Foreigners are admitted into Mexico "according to their possibilities of contributing to national progress."

Immigration officials must "ensure" that "immigrants will be useful elements for the country and that they have the necessary funds for their sustenance" and for their dependents.

Foreigners may be barred from the country if their presence upsets "the equilibrium of the national demographics," when foreigners are deemed detrimental to "economic or national interests," when they do not behave like good citizens in their own country, when they have broken Mexican laws, and when "they are not found to be physically or mentally healthy."

The Secretary of Governance may "suspend or prohibit the admission of foreigners when he determines it to be in the national interest."

Mexican authorities must keep track of every single person in the country:

Federal, local and municipal police must cooperate with federal immigration authorities upon request to assist in the arrests of illegal immigrants.

A National Population Registry keeps track of "every single individual who comprises the population of the country," and verifies each individual's identity.
A national Catalog of Foreigners tracks foreign tourists and immigrants and assigns each individual with a unique tracking number.

Foreigners with fake papers, or who enter the country under false pretenses, may be Imprisoned. Foreigners with fake immigration papers may be fined or imprisoned.

Foreigners who sign government documents "with a signature that is false or different is subject to fine and imprisonment.

Foreigners who fail to obey the rules will be fined, deported, and/or imprisoned as Felons. Foreigners who fail to obey a deportation order are to be punished.

Foreigners who are deported from Mexico and attempt to re-enter the country without authorization can be imprisoned for up to 10 years.

Foreigners who violate the terms of their visa may be sentenced to up to six years in prison . Foreigners who misrepresent the terms of their visa while in Mexico -- such as working with out a permit -- can also be imprisoned.

Under Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony. The General Law on Population States…

"A penalty of up to two years in prison and a fine of three hundred to five thousand pesos will be imposed on the foreigner who enters the country illegally."

Foreigners with legal immigration problems may be deported from Mexico instead of being imprisoned. Foreigners who have contempt against national sovereignty or security" will be deported.

Mexicans who help illegal aliens enter the country are themselves considered criminals .Under the law, A Mexican who marries a foreigner with the sole objective of helping the foreigner live in the country is subject to up to five years in prison.

Shipping and airline companies that bring undocumented foreigners into Mexico will be fined. The general immigration laws of Mexico are very similar to 8 U.S. Codes of the I&N Act. The review of basic Immigration laws of various nations including Mexico have been researched by various authors including Professor Michael Waller and Reports for U.S. Congress. Open border advocates, special interest groups in the United States do not appreciate this information made public although the facts have been readily available and widely distributed. Condemning U.S. Laws as cruel and inhumane lacks any measure of common sense when the majority of nations in the world including Mexico have very strict immigration policies.


1, J. Michael Waller
Walter and Leonore Annenberg Professor of International Communication
The Institute of World Politics
1521 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036

2, Personal LEO experience, Intelligence information exchanged on arrests of Special Interest OTM illegal aliens arrested by Policia Federal Mexico in transit to the U.S. . Immigration checkpoints, railroads, bus stations, detention of non Mexican foreign nationals held for security purposes, false documentation to human trafficking in Mexico. Arizona HIDTA Intelligence Center. 2001, HQ WRO Interpol information worldwide on human trafficking arrests in Europe, Central America to Maritime arrests in the South Pacific. Illegal Immigration is a very real global problem country to country from the UK to the Mid East.

3, Report for Congress April 2006. Directorate of Legal Research LL File # titled Immigration Law Sanctions and Enforcement in Selected Foreign Countries...Brazil, Egypt, Japan, Mexico, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Under Mexico, page 16 , the immigration laws of Mexico is contained within the general population act of Jan. 7, 1994. Section C. Sanctions , Article 6, Federal Penal Code, Article 140. D. Illegal entry is a crime in Mexico (delito) subject to imprisonment for up to 2 years.

Technorati Tag:

#10 - Illegal Immigration (2)

Title: Let’s Do Something About Illegal Immigration (2)
Subject: Illegal Immigration
Author: Mel Kaye
Location: USA, CA, Thousand Oaks
Level of Annoyance (1-10): 9

Complaint Details
This is a follow up to the original post on Illegal Immigration - Following is an email that is going around that I though to be appropriate to post:

Let me make this perfectly clear!


And, because I make this statement

DOES NOT mean I'm against immigration!!!


Welcome to come through like everyone else has.

Get a sponsor!

Get a place to lay your head!

Get a job!

Live by OUR rules!

Pay YOUR taxes!







If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone,


When will AMERICAN'S STOP giving away THEIR RIGHTS???

We've gone so far the other way ...?bent over backwards not to

offend anyone. But it seems no one cares about the AMERICAN

that's being offended!

To put some perspective on this problems see
Mexico's Immigration Laws.

Technorati Tag:

Saturday, November 17, 2007

#9 - Internet Scams - Challenge

Title: Why Am I So Lucky - Challenge
Internet Scams
Author: Mel Kaye
US, CA, Thousand Oaks
Level of Annoyance (1-10): 8
Challenge Details: As you may know, I have a complaint posted about Internet scams called "Why Am I So Lucky." In this complaint I list the details of 10 Internet scams. Since posting this on November 4th, I have received another 20 which I have listed in the "comments" following my complaint. My challenge is for everyone who reads this to add the details of the scams that they have received in the "comments" section following that post.

Possible Solution
: This will give a single place to list as many of these scams as possible. I'm not sure if this will accomplish anything, but it will put scammers on notice. It will also give potential victims a place to go to research knowns scams. And who knows, maybe this will get someone's attention who can actually do something.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

#8 - Bitchfest

Title: Not Enough Complaining
Subject: Bitchfest
Author: Baba Doodlius
Location: Universe
Level of Annoyance (1-10): 9
Complaint Details:
I've been reading this board since it started, and all I see is one complaint from me and a bunch from the originator, Mel.

C'mon folks, where are all your complaints? I walk down the street and I hear people doing NOTHING BUT COMPLAINING. Everybody wants to bitch about something, right? And then when Mel so kindly gives you the chance to air your beefs, what do you do? You completely clam up! I don't know about folks elsewhere on the planet, but I'm currently residing in the U S of A, and complaining around here is generally regarded as an ART FORM. So why hasn't the expected bitchfest materialized? We wanna know what cheezes you off!

Possible Solution
: Complain

Sunday, November 11, 2007

#7 - Illegal Immigration

Title: Let's Do Something About Illegal Immigration
Subject: Illegal Immigration
Author: Mel Kaye
Location: USA, CA, Thousand Oaks
Level of Annoyance (1-10): 9
Complaint/Challenge Details:
There is no question about the fact that illegal immigrants are putting a drain on our society. They are dragging down our schools scores, costing us billions in welfare and medical. There is a high rate of them using involved in identity fraud and using forged documents. Thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of Americans are right now sharing their identities with immigrants and don't know it. Every year, nearly 9 million people pay their taxes using the wrong Social Security number. The crime rates among this group is quite high.

On addition we need to protect our boarders.

Why can't we come together as a country and call them what they are, "Illegal Aliens," and actually do something about it. It seems all of our politicians treading lightly around this. I wish they would grow some balls and come up with a viable solution.

Possible Solution
I do not recall ever seeing this as an answer to the problem.

People want to come to the US, ostensibly, because of the ability to better provide for their families by earning more money and providing a better way of life, including medical and education. In other words, they either love the American way of life or will learn to love the American way of life. If they hated it, why would they want to come over? And what better way to show how much you love your new country than to serve in their Armed Forces.

My solution is for those who want to bypass the normal immigration and citizenship procedures should serve in our armed forces. For a married man; once he has enlisted his immediate family gets temporary visas and once he has received an honorable discharge his immediate family immediately become citizens. For a single man or woman the same procedure would apply with possibly his or her parents and under aged siblings getting citizenship.

Learning English would be mandatory for everyone.

For those who can't pass the tests there needs to be an alternative form of public service that they can do with the same 3 year commitment.

All current illegal immigrants should also be given this option or immediately be deported.

The concept of "anchor child" should be done away with on a go-forward bases.

What say you?

To put some perspective on this problems see Mexico's Immigration Laws.

Technorati Tag:

Friday, November 9, 2007

#6 - Movie Theaters

Title: Movie Theater Commercials Really Suck

Subject: Movie Theaters
Author: Mel Kaye
Location: USA, CA, Thousand Oaks
Level of Annoyance (1-10): 6
Complaint/Challenge Details:

This has got to stop. We go to the movies for some entertainment and to escape what ever we are looking to escape from. Now, after the lights go down and we're comfortably in our seats, you've decided to expand into pushing TV commercials down our throats. It now seems the only difference between a movie screen and a TV screen is size, and annoying seat neighbors (I just had to throw that in.)

We, the captive audience, have had enough. TV commercials belong on television, not before movies that we PAY for.

As previously stated, movies have traditionally served as an escape from the “real” world. The movie theater was a portal into different perspectives on the world around us, and sometimes into worlds completely different than our own, be they past, present or future. The movie theater no longer serves to promote the business of escapism, but now is seen as the last resort for advertisers to truly force feed the public video games, soda and SUVs.

Possible Solution:
How about you give us, the movie goers, a choice:

1. We pay your outrageous $10.50 and we have NO COMMERCIALS.
2. We pay $0.00 and give us all the commercials you feel we can stomach.

Technorati Tags:

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

#5 - Daylight Savings TIme

Title: I Hate Daylight Savings Time
Subject: Daylight Savings Time
Author: Mel Kaye
Location: USA, CA, Thousand Oaks
Level of Annoyance (1-10): 5
Complaint Details: Daylight Savings Time is just stupid. All it does it mess up everyone’s schedule and sleeping habits. My dogs usually get up at 7:00 AM to go out. However, they do not know how to read a clock so now they are getting up at 6:00 AM. The whole process is a huge pain in the rear.

There are a number of supposed reasons to have Daylight Savings Time. Here are a few of the common ones:
  1. Supposedly the main purpose of Daylight Saving Time is to make better use of daylight. We change our clocks during the summer months to move an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening.
  2. The common understanding as to why we do this is for the farmers; giving them more time to harvest their crops.
  3. In doing a little research I discovered that Daylight Savings is not about farmers but was developed during WW1 to save energy. The system seems counter logical though removing evening daylight during the winter when utility costs are higher and you have shorter days anyways.
You know what they say, “Don’t mess with mother nature.” This whole process is so artificial.

For some people with sleep disorders this transition can be very difficult. There is evidence that the severity of auto accidents increases and work productivity decreases as people adjust to the time change.

Some argue that the energy savings is offset by the energy used by those living in warm climates to cool their homes during summer afternoons and evenings. Similarly, the argument can be made that more evening hours of light encourage people to run errands and visit friends, thus consuming more gasoline.

I have yet to hear one good argument to keep it.

Possible Solution:
I say dump it!

Technorati Tags:
Daylight Savings Time, Daylight Savings, I hate Daylight Savings

Sunday, November 4, 2007

#4 - Credit Cards

Title: Sales Pitch Captive by Juniper Master Card
Credit Cards
Author: Mel Kaye
Location: USA, CA, Thousand Oaks
Level of Annoyance (1-10): 5

Complaint Details: OK, I'm trying to activate my renewal card over the phone. They tell me not to hang up until I have been told that I have been activated. While on hold I am subject to sales pitches that I can't escape from. This really burns me. I am being sold:
  1. Protection
  2. Balance Transfers
  3. Magazines, in which they actually name off the magazines.
Then there is the # confusion: pres #1 for yes, #2 for no, and of course this is reversed on the next pitch. They are hoping I will press the wrong number and accidentally buy something. This goes on for at least 3-4 minutes. Just activate my DAMN CARD!!!

Technorati Tag:

#3 - Internet Scams

Title: Why Am I So Lucky?
Subject: Internet Scams
Author: Mel Kaye / So You Want To Complain
Location: United Stats, CA, Thousand Oaks
Level of Annoyance (1-10): 8
Complaint Details: This is beginning to really annoy me. My "annoyance level" is climbing daily on this. I am being solicited, almost on a daily basis, by Internet scam artists. At the end of this "complaint you will see 10 email solicitations. I have copied each one in it's entirety, including all misspellings. Apparently I have either won or inherited $112,000,000 (US) and two other inheritances of an undisclosed amount.

Where is it written that I am a chump? I look in the mirror and I do not see "patsy" written on my forehead. How many of the scammers are there? Why can't they be stopped?

I really wonder how many people actually get scammed by them?

I did notice that out of the ten, nine had Yahoo email addresses. Maybe Yahoo should try to monitor this type of scam.

Following are 10 actual solicitations, in their entirety. I have numbered them from 1-10 so you can tell where each one begins and the other ends.


Dear Friend,

It has been long we communicate last, am so sorry for the delay, I want to Inform you that your cheque of ($1.3Million) Which my boss asked me to mail to you as soon as you requested it, Is Now with the courier Company, And the Name of the Company is GRAYLINK EXPRESS COURIER COMPANY BENIN REPUBLIC.

But due to some minure issue you fails to respond at the Approprete time, and presently the cheque is with them here Waiting for you to Come and pick it or you send them your Address where you want them to delivered the Cheque in Your Country Immediately.

What you have to do now is to Contact them with your Phone Number, your Postal Address, and your Full Name, so that they will not do Mistake when deliverring the check.

Secondly, You have to send to them again, which the company said that it will cost you only $125 to Delivered the cheque to your Destinated Address without delay, Please Contact them and register with them now, because this is the Opportunity for you to receive your cheque.

Only what you will Contact them with is your Phone number, and Address, and full Name to Avoid wrong Delivery, You should also tell the Company to give you the Information and how you will send them the Delivery fee $125 Immediately you Contacted them before the cheque $1.3 Million will be delivered to your Door step.

Below is their contact informations:

Email address:

Contact person name is ( Mr. Chris Bala) Direct Cell........

Please do get back to me as soon as you have contacted the security Company so that i can be able to Addvice you on how your cheque will be Delivered to your Destinated address Immediately.


Mr Gabriel



Inheritance Instruction Payment Of $18 Million USD Only


Compliment of the day,HM Treasury office inheritance Probate Dept's write to inform you that we have Bi-Directional Inheritance Instruction Payment codicil Of $18 Million USD Only in your favor as the TRUSTEE to our late Client's Inheritance Estate who died with his only surviving grand son in an air crash with his private jet and we wish to inform you to forward the following details

1.Your Full Name

2.Your Complete Address

3.Direct Telephone Mobile and Fax Number.

4 Your Age

to our office to facilitate the release authorization of the inherited estate payment to you.We await your urgent response and revert back to the front desk officer.


Peter Robinson



This is to officially inform you that we have verified your contract / inheritance file and discovered reasons why you are yet to receive your payment. It is because of irregularities and complications discovered on your payment file by our technical experts in respect to your contract / inheritance payment requirements which have just been duly rectified.

Meanwhile, we have been informed that you are still dealing with impostors and non recommended officials in the bank. Such acts must stop for security reasons if you wish to receive your payment. Since we have decided to bring a solution to your problem, right now we have arranged your payment through our ATM SWIFT CARD payment this is the latest instruction by our new elected president,UMAR MUSA YAR'ADUA (GCFR) Federal Republic of Nigeria. Has promised to pay all foreign contractors/inheritance depts to those who have not receive their payment with the out going governments,so he has promise to pay without any delay.

Below is the arrangement...

The SWIFT CARD center will send you an ATM CARD which you will use to withdrew your money from any ATM Machine in any part of the world, but the maximum is ten thousand dollars per day, so if you like to receive your fund this way please do let us know by contacting the CARD payment center managing director PROF PHILIPS EZE on email or call him on his cell phone : ( ) and Prof. Chukwuma c. Soludo, Governor Central Bank of Nigeria on email for more information. ( And also send the following information to SWIFT CARD center:

1] phone and fax number,

2] address where you want them to send the card through UPS courier service (p.o box not accepted) .

3]Your occupation and Male/female/ age

4] your full name and total amount you are expecting.

Instead of losing your fund.

Please indicate to the card center the total sum you are expecting and for your information you have to stop any further communication with any institution or office until you receive the ATM CARD. Email CBN Governor as soon as you receive this important message on his email address or call him on telephone for more direction on this regards and also update him for further instruction and directives.

Note: because of impostors, we hereby issue you our code of conduct tag number which is (805) so you must have to indicate this code when contacting the card center.

We await your urgent response.



Chief Auditor / Secretary

To Governor Central Bank of Nigeria

Mr.Jeff Anthony

Senior Audit Officer

Natwest Bank Group



Dear Friend,

I am Mr.Jeff Anthony Senior Audit Officer of Natwest Bank Group UK.Natwest Bank London.I am writing following an opportunity in my office that will be of immense benefit to both of us.

In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of £20.5million British Pounds Sterling(Twenty million five hundred thousand British Pounds) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign customers Late Mr.Morris Thompson an American who unfortunately lost his life in the plane crash of Alaska Airlines Flight 261 which crashed on January ,including his wife and only daughter.

You shall read more about the crash on visiting this site.

Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his next of kin or relatves to come over and claim his money because we cannot release it unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines.

Unfortunately I learnt that his supposed next of kin being his only daughter died along with him in the plane crash leaving nobody with the knowledge of this fund behind for the claim.It is therefore upon this discovery that I and two other officials in this department now decided to make business with you and release the money to you as the next of kin or beneficiary of the funds for safety keeping and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and we don't want this money to go back into Government treasury as unclaimed bill.

The banking law and guidelines here stipulates that such money remained after eight years the money will be transferred into banking treasury as unclaimed funds.

We agreed that 35% of this money will be for you as foreign partner,while the balance will be for me and my colleagues.I will visit your country for the disbursement according to the percentages indicated above once this money gets into your account.Please be honest to me and trust is our watchword in this transaction.

Note this transaction is confidential and risk free.As soon as you receive this mail you should contact me by return mail.Please note that all necessary arrangement for the smooth release of these funds to you has been finalised.We will discuss much in details when I do receive your response.

Please if you are interested in this project contact me for further directives.

Best regards

Mr.Jeff Anthony








I am Barrister PETER WILLIAMS EYO (Esq.), the Personal Attorney to a Foreign Contractor, who worked with a Multinational Oil Firm in Nigeria. On the 11th of September 2001, my client, a American National, late Engineer A.Goins, an oil Merchant / Contractor with the Federal Government of Nigeria, until his death Five years ago in a ghastly terrorist attack to American Airlines Flight 11, from Boston, Assachusetts,to Los Angeles, California, crashedinto the North Tower of the World Trade Center with 86 people on board. All occupants of the Aeroplane unfortunately lost their lives.

Since then I have made several inquiries to Several Embassies to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to trace his relatives over the Internet, to locate any member of his family but of no avail. Then I have to contact you to assist me in repatriating the money left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Bank where this huge deposit were lodged. Particularly, the Bank where the deceased had an account valued at about Fifteen Million US dollars(US$15m) has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin, relatives so that the fund left will be transferred or have the account confiscated.

Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 5 years now I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account valued at US$15 Million can be paid to you and then you and I can share this money. 55% to me and 40% to you, while 5% should be for expenses or tax as your Government may require. All I require is your honest and co-operation to enable us see this deal through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. I will want you to send to me on your return email the following information for the transfer in your favour.

1, Your full Name

2, Your contact Address

3, Your private phone, mobile and fax numbers for easy communicating for each others.

I await your kind response, Please if you are interested and capable in handling this deal with me, due reply only on my alternative email address for security reasons


:note that the nurture of this deal needs a very top secrecy.

Best Regards,




Dear beneficiary,


This is to notify you that you have been chosen By the Board of trustees of the above International charity organization branched in the Netherlands as one of the final recipients of a Cash Grant/Donation for your own personal, education and business development.

The international registered Foundation is named after over 5 top company owners put together. The charitable foundation was reported by the business newspaper, the Economist between the year to be technically one of the world's wealthiest charity foundation- worth billions of US$ - but its primary purpose is BRINGING INNOVATIONS IN HEALTH AND LEARNING TO THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY. George Soros is chairman of the foundation/association. Having been rated as the founder and chairman of a network of foundations, the foundation has decided to randomly select email addresses that would benefit from this year's donation/award.

Association of Charity Foundations in conjunction with the European Union is giving out a yearly donation of One Hundred Million United States Dollars as specific Donations/Grants to 50 lucky international recipients worldwide in different categories for their educational pursuit, health care, personal Business development and uplift of their environments.

These funds are freely given to you for your business, educational and personal development and at least 30% to be used by you to develop a part of your environments, as this is a yearly program, which is a measure of universal development strategy, and eradication of poverty.

Please kindly note that you are not the only beneficiary in your country this year and your country is not the only country that is benefiting from this donation, as beneficiaries have been chosen from countries from all continents.

The idea of this donation is that within ten years from now, there will be notable richness amongst many unusual people around the world.

This will give many people the opportunity to get their lives to a stage where they had always wanted. Kindly note that you will only be chosen to receive the donation once. Which means that, subsequent yearly donation will not get to you again, so it’s your choice to spend the donation wisely on something that will last you a long time. And please do not bother following up this email, if you have benefited from this donation in previous years.

Based on the random selection exercise of internet service providers (ISP) and millions of Super market cash invoices worldwide, you were selected among the lucky recipients to receive the award sum of US$2,000,000.00 (TWO Million United States Dollars) as charity donations/aid from the Association Of European Charity Foundations and the UNO in accordance with the enabling act of Parliament. Note that, your email was selected from either the internet, or a Shop's cash invoice around your area in which you might have purchased something from.

You are required to expeditiously Contact the Executive Secretary below for qualification documentation and processing of your claims, from Monday through Sunday.

On contact with this officer, you'll be given your donation pin number which you will use in collecting the funds.

Please endeavor to quote your Qualification numbers (G-313-321, N-0106) in all discussions.


Executive Secretary,

Mr. Arthur stewart




Please note that this donation/Grant is strictly administered by "European Union" under delegated powers from the UNO. You are hereby advised to keep this whole information confidential until you have been able to collect your donation, as there have been many cases of double and unqualified claim, due to beneficiaries informing third parties about his/her donation.

Finally, all funds should be claimed by their respective beneficiaries, not later that 7 days after notification, as failure will lead to cancellation and your donation will be reserved for next year’s recipients.

On behalf of the Board kindly accept our warmest congratulations

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs. Gordon JUlia

(Foundation officer)






From the Desk Of:
Prof Chukwuma C. Soludo
Executive Governor

Central bank of Nigeria.



This is to officially inform you that we have verified your contract / inheritance file and discovered reasons why you are yet to receive your payment. It is because of irregularities and complications discovered on your payment file by our technical experts in respect to your contract / inheritance payment requirements which have just been duly rectified.

Meanwhile, we have been informed that you are still dealing with impostors and non recommended officials in the bank. Such acts must stop for security reasons if you wish to receive your payment. Since we have decided to bring a solution to your problem, right now we have arranged your payment through our ATM SWIFT CARD payment this is the latest instruction by our new elected president,UMAR MUSA YAR'ADUA (GCFR) Federal Republic of Nigeria. Has promised to pay all foreign contractors/inheritance depts to those who have not receive their payment with the out going governments,so he has promise to pay without any delay.

Below is the arrangement...

The SWIFT CARD center will send you an ATM CARD which you will use to withdrew your money from any ATM Machine in any part of the world, but the maximum is ten thousand dollars per day, so if you like to receive your fund this way please do let us know by contacting the CARD payment center managing director DR FRANK WILLIAMS on email or call him on his cell phone : (drfrankwilliams2004/ and Prof. Chukwuma c. Soludo, Governor Central Bank of Nigeria on email for more information. ( And also send the following information to SWIFT CARD center:

1] phone and fax number,

2] address where you want them to send the card through UPS courier service (p.o box not accepted) .

3]Your occupation and Male/female/ age

4] your full name and total amount you are expecting.

Instead of losing your fund.
Please indicate to the card center the total sum you are expecting and for your information you have to stop any further communication with any institution or office until you receive the ATM CARD. Email CBN Governor as soon as you receive this important message on his email address or call him on telephone for more direction on this regards and also update him for further instruction and directives.

Note: because of impostors, we hereby issue you our code of conduct tag number which is (805) so you must have to indicate this code when contacting the card center.

We await your urgent response.


Chief Auditor / Secretary
To Governor Central Bank of Nigeria



Compensation Head Office

I am happy to inform you about my success in getting your winning funds under the cooperation of a new partner from South Africa. Presently I'm in South Africa for investment projects with my own share of the total sum.

Meanwhile, I did not forget your past efforts and attempts to get your winnings despite that failed somehow.

Now contact my secretary in Lagos his name is DR.Paul Brown.

Find below his contact information.

Name: DR.Paul Brown



Ask him to send you the total $500.000.00 (FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND US

DOLLARS) certified bank Cheque, which I raised in your favor for your compensation for all the past efforts and attempt in this matter.I appreciated your efforts at that time very much. So feel free and get

in touch

with my secretary and give him your address where to send the draft to you.

Please do let me know immediately you receive the Cheque to enable us share the joy after all the sufferness at that time. In the moment, I'm very busy here because of the investment projects, which the new partner and me are having at hand,finally, remember that I had


instruction to the secretary on your behalf to Receive that money. So


free to get in touch with him (DR.Paul Brown) without any delay.

Best regards,



Dear Sir/Madam

My Name is Princess Ugonma daughter of the late HRH King Jonathan Etem King of Eleme Kingdom. I am 29 yrs hold and a mother of A son By Name Tony Etem I am in desperate need of your assistant concerning my family wealth.

My Mother was the first wife to the late King before her painful death. By the virtue of our African culture. When the King dies he is succeeded by the first son. Which is my elder brother Afam Etem But this was not possible because my step mother the Second wife to my Father wanted her own son to become the King. They, My Stepmother and her children conspired and killed my elder brother.

At first I did not know why they hated us that much. I though it was just for the throne which I had always advised my brother to let go but he wouldnt. He will always tell me that I do not understand. Until he almost gave-up the ghost. He told be that The Shell Petroleum Committee Nigeria in the course of Community development and benefits to King of the Oil producing community Deposited Into My late fathers account The sum of $46,000,000,00 ( Fourthy Six Million USD) In one of the Local Banks here In my country Nigeria. He also Gave me the Deposited Slip of the Fund in This Bank. He Told me that this is the main reason my stepmother wants him dead. I ran away with the Document he gave me and went into hiding with my only son whom is that only family I have got.

I need you help I need to start a new life. I want you to help me claim this fund and make arrangement for my son and I to start a new life in Your Country. If you will be willing to help me please do respond back to me

God Bless



Dearest Friend,

I am very happy to inform you about my success in getting that fund now, I want you to contact my secretary on the information below NAME; Fredrick Gusterson EMAIL; Ask him to send you the total sum of Nine Hundred and twenty five Thousand Pounds A CASHIER'S CHEQUE (£925,000.00), which I kept for your compensation CONTACT THE SECRETARY ON this email


From :Joseph Ansa

// This email is sent by a member. U2, Signatures Network and their respective affiliates and principals are not responsible in any way for, and do not sponsor, authorize, or endorse the contents of this email.

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Saturday, November 3, 2007

#2 - Membership

Title: Misguided Anatomical Advice
Author: Baba Doodlius
Subject: Membership
Location: Universe
Annoyance Level: 7

Complaint Details: You know what bothers me? People out there in Internet World who think I need a bigger penis. Apparently there are lots of them, because they send me about 18 bazillion e-mails every day.

(And in case you were wondering, NO, I do NOT need a bigger penis. Any bigger and I wouldn't be able to carry it around.)

Technorati Tag:

Friday, November 2, 2007

#1 - Inconsiderate People

Title: Get Out of My Way
Subject: Inconsiderate People
Author: Mel Kaye / "So You Want To Complain" (I may as well be the first)
Location: Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
Level of Annoyance: 2
Complaint Details: I just have had it with inconsiderate people. As an example, when shopping at a grocery store, or department store, or even Costco, I can't stand people who leave their shopping carts in the middle of the isle as they shop. When I ask them to move it so I can get through, they act like I am annoying them. Another example of this is people who, when walking in a parking lot towards their car, walk in the middle so that cars cannot get by.

You know, I do feel better now.

Following is an example of the type of person I mean:

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Thursday, November 1, 2007

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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

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